Ahh, September. A month of change that ushers in the fall, also known as pumpkin spice latte season. As the floodgates open and unleash a deluge of undergrads, G1s, and tourists back into Harvard Square, the members of the Liau Lab can be found right where they have been all along: sipping iced cold brews and snacking on veggie straws in the air-conditioned confines of Converse 201.
It’s been a packed summer, filled with both working hard and hardly working. Here are some highlights:
The lab receives a sweet grant courtesy of the Ono Pharma Foundation (thank you for the support!)! Those of you who check our website might have already seen the announcement sneakily go up on our front page news ;) Keep checking, we may have more good news to share in the future…
Thank you to the Ono Pharma Foundation!
And the lab got bigger, too. Over the summer, we welcomed Rebecca Stillo, our new lab administrator; Aiden Wang, who joined us as a post-bacc from Cambridge (not that Cambridge, that Cambridge); David Tanner, a rising sophomore at Harvard; and Claudia Gomez, who was visiting us from Miami as part of the Summer Research Opportunities at Harvard program!
Check out Claudia’s poster on her work studying LSD1 biochemistry with Amanda!
And of course, shout-out to Sarah, who’s been working hard under the tutelage of Ally and Hui Si and doing lots of tissue culture, western blots, and more. Finishing off a very productive summer, she gave an excellent talk at the PRISE program symposium!
We also had another GROUP CLEANUP. It was hard work, but our freezers are now defrosted, our fume hoods so clean you could eat off of them (NOTE: to any safety officers reading this, that was a joke), and our lab inventory is so comprehensive it spans numerous google spreadsheets. Suffice it to say that we emerged victorious over entropy. To celebrate, we headed on over to Aeronaut’s beer garden to relax.
Brian is many things, but “selfie king” is not one of them.
Hui Si’s “postdoc hands” in action.
And with that, summer is over and fall is here. We’re looking forward to seeing what the rest of the year will bring. Any G1s reading this blog? If so, we’ll point you to our Open House later this month on 9/20. We’ll have everything you could possibly want: free food, dank memes, alcohol, and more free food. Raise a glass.
We’ll leave you with one final nugget of wisdom from Professor Liau himself: